lunedì 22 novembre 2010


Vi ricordate il pacco spedito una settimana fa ai miei amici thailandesi?


Innanzitutto apro e chiudo subito una parentesi.....grazie alle poste italiane,e' tutto vero,il pacco arrivato tutto integro e in pochissimo tempo,quasi non ci credo.
Qui sotto voglio postare il messaggio che Kate mi ha mandato,e' felicissima,e noi piu' di lei.

Hi Sara, Hi Angelo,
WOWWWW!!! We are very surprised by your huge box we got from a mail man today!! That's amazing how you put everything in the box and send them across the continent!We LOVE the gifts!! Oh! the Wine, we are thinking we will drink that on my birthday or maybe on Christmas!! Pao loves the pasta. We will get to eat that this coming weekends!! Maatshi's mug is SUPER CUTE!!!! Wow, Sara, you are so talented. Your handwriting is so neat!!! The photo frames is amazing!! I bet that's your handmade too!!Wow!!! we don't know how to thank you guys!! But, thanks again! We love all of them!! You shouldn't have sent them here. It must have been very expensive seeing all the stamps!!
BUT! we LOVE them!!
!Big hugs for Naike and Big Kisses for Priska!
Kate, Pao, Maatshi

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